Raymond Higgs
1940 Born Carlisle
1956-61 Studied, Carlisle College of Art. Painting N.D.D.
1961-64 Studied painting, R A. Schools Dip R.A.S.
1962 1st Landseer Prize & Silver Medal, Eric Kennington Drawing Prize
1963 Richard Jack Prize, Royal Sovereign Drawing Prize
1965 Rome & Abbey Minor Scholarship in Painting
1967-2017 Lived and worked in Cumbria
1985 Northern Arts Purchase Award
Group Shows
1977 Northern Art Exhibition, Shipley Art Gallery
1983 Disarming Art. Newcastle upon Tyne
1985 Double Elephant Prints. P.M.C. The Barbican
1986 Print 86. The Barbican
1986 Fourth National Exhibition of British Prints
1987 Grundy Art Gallery, Blackpool
1987 Better Halves The Gallery Downstairs, Burnley
1987 Northern Print’s 87. Edinburgh College of Art
1989 From Woodcut to Computer. The Royal Festival Hall
1990 20/20 Vision The Tall House. London
1990 Mini Print International 10. Cadaques, Barcelona, Spain
1990 Northern Printmaking. Billingham Art Gallery
1991 The Art of the Printmaker, The Royal Festival Hall
1991 Print Europe, Barbican
1992 The Western Bank Show, Wigton
1992 Terrain. Isis Gallery, Melmerby, Penrith
1993 Mini Print International 13. Cadaques, Barcelona, Spain
1996 The 3rd Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints, Kochi, Japan
2000 20 Artists from 20 Years, Linton Court Gallery, Settle, North Yorks.
2004 Lessedra Third World Art Print Annual, Sofia, Bulgaria
2007 Scottish Printmakers Summer Show
2008 Lessedra 7th Mini Print Annual, Sofia, Bulgaria
2008 Printmaker’s Printmaker, Printfest 2008, Ulverston, Cumbria
2010 The First Open International Contemporary Print Competition, Cornwall
2011 The Second Open International Contemporary Print Competition, Cornwall
2008-2017 Printfest, Ulverston, Cumbria
One Man Shows
1979 Royal Academy Schools
1980 Carlisle Museum and Art Gallery
Non Visual Pattern Paintings & Prints 1973-80
1981 Lowes Court Gallery, Egremont. Etchings 1963-81
1982 Dundas Gallery, Carlisle. Etchings
1983 Gallery 213, Queen Mary College. London
Non Visual Pattern Paintings & Prints 1973-81
1984 Gallery 7, Newcastle upon Tyne. Relief Prints
1985 The Crescent, Scarborough. Relief Prints
1985 D.L.l. Museum, Durham. Lino Reduction Prints
1985 Whitehaven Museum. Lino Reduction Printing
1987 Abbot Hall Museum & Art Gallery, Kendal. Lino Reduction Prints
1987 Carlisle Museum & Art Gallery. Lino Reduction Prints
1987 Lowes Court Gallery. Egremont. Lino Reduction Prints
1987 The Central Space. London. Lino Reduction Prints
1988 Van Mildert College. Durham
1989 Grundy Art Gallery. Blackpool
1995 Clayton Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne. Wood Engravings
1998 Gracefield Cafe, Dumfries, Wood Engravings
1998 Linton Court Gallery, Settle North Yorks. Wood Engravings
1998 Lowes Court Gallery. Egremont. Wood Engravings
1999 Arts Centre Washington, Tyne & Wear. Continuous Line, Corners and Enclosures, Retrospective
2001 Printmaker of the Month. Wrexham Arts Centre, Wrexham
2002 The Harley Gallery, Welbeck, Worksop
2004 Coffee Shop Abbot Hall, Kendal. Blocks
2013 Coffee Shop Abbot Hall, Kendal. Constructs
Public Collections Include
Northern Arts Abbot Hall Picture Loan Aldi Stores Ltd. Neston, Cheshire
Carlisle Public Library Paintings in Hospitals (South) Motorola Ltd
Fylde Arts Association Carlisle Museum & Art Gallery B.I.C.C. Ltd
Paintings in Hospitals (North) Victoria and Albert Museum Library